Shoulder/Arm/Hand Problems & Injuries

Chiropractic Care for Shoulder, Arm & Hand Pain

Shoulder & Arm Pain

People sometime blame their joint or organ problems on ”old age” even though they have many other joints and organs that are just as old that have no problems. Irritation to the nerves would be a more accurate analysis.

The nerves that make up the brachial plexus may be irritated as they exit the spinal column. This may occur when the spinal bones in the neck and upper back are misaligned and damage the very nerves they are supposed to protect.   

Arm Pain Check-up — Rose Hill, KS — Rose Hill Chiropractic

What Causes the Spinal Bones to Misalign?

Nearly any injury or “trauma” could do it. Old injuries such as childhood falls, sports mishaps, car accidents and sleeping in an awkward position could damage the spine. Even birth stress could cause spinal nerve damage that can affect the arms, shoulders, and hands.

Shoulder & Arm Pain

People sometime blame their joint or organ problems on ”old age” even though they have many other joints and organs that are just as old that have no problems. Irritation to the nerves would be a more accurate analysis.

The nerves that make up the brachial plexus may be irritated as they exit the spinal column. This may occur when the spinal bones in the neck and upper back are misaligned and damage the very nerves they are supposed to protect.   

What Causes the Spinal Bones to Misalign?

Nearly any injury or “trauma” could do it. Old injuries such as childhood falls, sports mishaps, car accidents and sleeping in an awkward position could damage the spine. Even birth stress could cause spinal nerve damage that can affect the arms, shoulders, and hands.

Arm Pain Check-up — Rose Hill, KS — Rose Hill Chiropractic

Hand Pain 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is an “occupational disease”. Symptoms include tingling and numbness in the hand, fingers, and wrist; pain so intense that it awakens you at night and similar symptoms in the upper arm, elbow, shoulder, or neck. 

The Chiropractic Approach to Shoulder, Arm & Hand Pain

Although chiropractic’s success with shoulder, arm, wrist, and hand problems is well documented, chiropractic is really not a “treatment” for those problems.

The chiropractic approach to shoulder and hand problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, brachial plexus injury or to any health problem is to analyze your body structure to locate and correct a serious nerve-damaging structural condition.

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